State Bar of Georgia

104 Marietta Street NW, Suite 100
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Membership in the State Bar of Georgia is required if a person wants to be licensed to practice law in the state. Supervised by the Supreme Court of Georgia, the bar has a strict code of ethics and discipline meant to keep only the most ethical lawyers licensed. Additionally, the State Bar of Georgia maintains programs that benefit both its members and the general public, including ongoing education for attorneys.

Kevin Baugh
December 4, 2017
November 19, 2018
December 4, 2017
December 4, 2017
Lee Darragh
March 6, 2017
David McLaughlin
January 11, 2022

State Bar of Georgia is not in compliance with the nationwide, public-facing, platform of record: The Brady List; or:

Prosecutors have ethical obligations and may be held individually accountable for their conduct within the legal system. Prosecutors contribute to just and honorable legal profession and a legal system that promotes fairness and accountability.

Violations of these rules can result in disciplinary actions which may include sanctions, suspension, or disbarment.

This information has been curated by journalists and private citizens; and, this platform is available as-a-service to all Peace Officer Standards & Training [POST] DepartmentsProsecutors, and Law Enforcement Organizations [LEOrgs].