Officer Complaint Form

The Brady List compiles Public Complaints of misconduct for every jurisdiction and Law Enforcement Organization [LEOrg] in the United States.

File a Public Complaint of Officer Misconduct

Use this form to file an official complaint against any officer of any law enforcement organization in any jurisdiction in the United States.

What type of police misconduct are you reporting?
Do you know the Law Enforcement Organization that employs the officer(s)?
Do you know the name of the officer(s) involved?
Search our current listing of officers in order to find the individual you are referencing.
If you cannot find the officer's name, we will create the officer's profile.
Do you know when the incident happened?
Do you know where the incident occured?
Map Location
Please enter a statement about the incident.
Evidence about your complaint can include video, images, and documents.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, mp4.
Were there witnesses to the incident?
Witness(es) Contact Info
Witness(es) Contact Info
Are you filing this Complaint on your own behalf?
Filed By
This complaint is being file by:
On Behalf Of
This complaint is filed on behalf of:

Public Complaint Form Embed

This page provides code snippets that are used to embedded a webform in any website, webpage, and application.

Choose how you want to embed the webform and then copy-n-paste the below code snippet directly into the HTML source of any webpage.

JavaScript snippet

<script src="//"></script>

Resizing iFrame

<iframe src="//" title="Public Complaint | Brady List" class="webform-share-iframe" frameborder="0" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="width:1px;min-width:100%"></iframe>

Fixed iFrame

<iframe src="//" title="Public Complaint | Brady List" class="webform-share-iframe" frameborder="0" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="width:100%;height:600px;border:none"></iframe>