Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1719269005 - 1629584992

Date of Offense

March 6, 2017

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the State Bar of Georgia


Marquis Bonds was convicted at trial in May 2017 for various crimes, The Hall County solicitor’s office did commit Embracery by allowing a juror to be impaneled on the jury with a pending sexual battery charge for having sex with a student, Juror Zachary Swansey was a high school basketball coach who had a pending sexual assault charge with the hall county solicitor office, During voire dire the prosecutor Juliet Aldridge informed Swansey that she had an advantage because she knew Swansey had a pending charge in her office, Swansey acknowledged the charges and stated that he was hoping for first offender in his pending case, defense attorney Blake Poole questioned Swansey about his charges and asked swansey if he had been given any type of deal, Swansey indicated that he didn’t know if he was allowed to talk about it, after Bonds was convicted, a few months later in May 2017 Swansey was in fact given first offender and probation getting exactly what he asked for, getting his deal for convicting Bonds creating Embracery by the prosecutor, influencing a juror for his verdict, Also in the same trial the prosecutor presented a alleged victim Bilal Ali, during the investigation Ali gave several different statements about Bonds all of which turned out to be false allegations and the prosecutor knew Bilal Ali was lying but the prosecutor knowingly presented false and misleading testimony, in discovery Bilal gave 4 different statements, Bilal invoked pastoral privilege in one trial then lied about it in Bonds trial, Bilal took the stand and said he never threatened Bonds, he said he never heard of Bonds being accused of a murder of his fellow mosque member, and he actually threatened Bonds, The prosecutor was presented with a secret Audio recorded by Bonds father contradicting every statement made by Bilal, the prosecutor heard this audio and still presented Bilal as a witness for the state, they knew Bilal was lying and let it go uncorrected resulting in subordination of perjury, The prosecutor also told the jury that Bilal remained in his vehicle and never got out of his vehicle, that was a blast lie the police report speaks for itself Bilal stated that when Marquis was attempting to pull something out of a grey bag he got back in his vehicle and backed away proving that he was out of his vehicle threatening Marquis and this is all confirmed on the audio that the prosecution knew about, The prosecutor also committed a willful Brady violation when they did not disclose that Bilal Ali was a confidential informant who would often help the Gainesvile police department solve crimes in the community when they had no leads Bilal would help and always send in someone to give a statement, The jury was stripped of that crucial information and to deliver a honest verdict based on all the evidence, The prosecutor was responsible for a impartial prejudiced jury, and prosecutor misconduct, also putting Marquis Bonds father in danger when they called Bilal Ali to the solicitors office and told Ali that Mr Bonds had recorded him during their meeting, prompting Ali to then threaten Mr Bonds, all claims of Swansey and Bilal are clear on the record, on voire dire transcript and all other evidence including secret audio is available upon request

Definition of Offense(s)

Evidence that is favorable to the defendant (exculpatory) and could impact the outcome of the defendant’s case (material) is often called “Brady material” because of the seminal 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland.

Suborning perjury is a type of prosecutor misconduct where the prosecutor encourages or induces a witness or a defendant to provide false testimony under oath in a court of law.