Attorney Generals

State Attorney Generals across the United States are obligated under Brady to disclose any information on all individuals upon whose testimony they will rely; and, relevance of the information is to be interpreted in the best possible favor to a defendant. Brady disclosures often include information gathered from Peace Officer Standards & Training [POST] Departments, other Prosecutor offices, State's Attorney General and Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Organizations, and any/all other sources of information.

  • Ensure enforcement discretion. The Brady List does not apply Machine Learning [ML], Artificial Intelligence [AI], or any other coded mechanism.
  • Empower prosecutorial disclosure. This Brady List as a platform automates the compilation of data across entire jurisdictions for prosecutors.
  • Enable judicial oversight. This Brady List platform is the first of its kind to serve the judiciary as a method to ensure delivery of Brady Material Disclosures.
  • Build trust in the community through transparency. This Brady List is now, and always will be, open to the public.
  • Demonstrate accountability. The Brady List encourages law enforcement, prosecutors, and the judiciary to demonstrate their entire workflow from complaint intake through categorization, investigation, and conclusion.

In order to provide this service to 20,000+ Organizations, POST Departments, and Prosecutors nationwide. We have standardized the input, date and time stamped the output, incorporated an epistemology of Brady Offenses, Public Complaints, and Use-of-Force Reports.

User accounts are available to all Organizations [Law Enforcement], Prosecutors, and state POST Departments.



This is available for LEOrg, Prosecutor, and POST Department that sign up on an individual basis.


This is available for Counties that commit to every single LEOrg and Prosecutor's Office.


This is available for States that commit to every single LEOrg, Prosecutor's Office, and POST Department.


All plans are invoiced annually and paid in advance. Civilian Oversight Committees [COC] are offered accounts at a reduced cost. Citizens and members of the Press are welcome to use this entire platform for FREE.

Any prosecutor that fails, or refuses, to fully disclose all Brady/Giglio material (exculpatory and impeachment evidence including, but not limited to: records of police misconduct; public complaints; and, use-of-force reports) is subject to Rules of Professional Conduct [R.P.C.] 3.8(g): Special Responsibilities of the Prosecutor. Violation of R.P.C. 3.8(g) may included an individual attorney, while acting in the capacity of prosecutor, being sanctioned up to and including disbarment. The obligations upon the prosecutor are both retroactive and perpetual.