Massachusetts Bar Association

20 West Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111

The Massachusetts Bar Association was started in 1910 and incorporated in 1911 as a way to both unify and make more effective the efforts of numerous smaller Massachusetts bar associations to improve the quality of justice. The association was one of the first to embrace gender and racial diversity, launch legal education programs, and create legal aid services to help the poor. The Massachusetts Bar Association is also the main association that represents the interests of lawyers and the legal profession to the Legislature – particularly when it comes to legal education in public schools, access to justice, auto insurance reform, unauthorized practice of law, and capital punishment.

Adam Baldarelli
October 11, 2022
Kris C Foster
January 1, 2009
Steven E Gagne
January 23, 2007
Anne K Kaczmarek
January 1, 2009
Dana Parsons
June 26, 2023
David E Sullivan
January 1, 2022
John C Verner
January 1, 2009

Massachusetts Bar Association is not in compliance with the nationwide, public-facing, platform of record: The Brady List; or:

Prosecutors have ethical obligations and may be held individually accountable for their conduct within the legal system. Prosecutors contribute to just and honorable legal profession and a legal system that promotes fairness and accountability.

Violations of these rules can result in disciplinary actions which may include sanctions, suspension, or disbarment.

This information has been curated by journalists and private citizens; and, this platform is available as-a-service to all Peace Officer Standards & Training [POST] DepartmentsProsecutors, and Law Enforcement Organizations [LEOrgs].