Public Complaint No. 1697394864 - 1097268342

Jason Young
1900 East Woodrow Wilson Avenue
Jackson, Mississippi 39216


March 5, 2022 E31 , MS trooper Jason Young pulled me over on my way home from work on hwy 301. He gave me two breathalyzer test and I passed. He made me drive a mile to Pratt rd. He gave me another breathalyzer and I passed. He gave me an unsafe lane change ticket and impounded my truck. My wife and kids came to get me and I went home. Before court I find out that he added a careless driving ticket. I have dashcam video of this encounter. March 7, 2022 I get my truck from the impound lot. March 9, 2022 I tell my story on a local FB group called Hernando Happenings. March 15, 2022 I bought a dash cam because I could tell something wasn't right with trooper Young and I knew he wasn't done with me. March 23, 2022 My grandmother passed away. This is how it all started. March 5th my brother calls me to come help move furniture in her house so hospice can put her bed in her living room. I made a U-turn on Hwy 301 to go help him. Before court I called just about every attorney in or around our area for help and none of them would help me. They would refer me to other attorneys, tell me they could take my money but there was nothing they could do and one even hung up in my face. I desperately needed someone to represent me so I decided to call one and not tell them the whole story in hopes that I would be able to hire someone. I called Whit Cooper out of the Farese law firm and told him I had a ticket that I needed to take care of and I hired him. June 3, 2022 I went to my 1st court appearance for the March stop. I find out that Trooper Young added a careless driving ticket. I believe he did this to cover himself because by law he couldn't impound my vehicle for unsafe lane change but he could for careless driving. During court Whit tells me that the prosecutor Jim Holland is wanting me to do 10 days in jail for these tickets and he is offering a deal to drop careless driving and no jail time if I take the unsafe lane change. Problem is these tickets do not carry jail time. I declined their deal and asked for a jury trial. I was told that I couldn't get a jury trial unless I was facing more than 6 months in jail but they did move my case to circuit court for a bench trial. June 14, 2022 The day E31, Trooper Young was stalking and hunting for me. On my way home from work Trooper Young pulled me over at the same spot and time as he did March 5th on Hwy 301. I'm very pissed off because I know exactly what he was doing. He gave me a ticket for speeding. We had words as I drove off and he pulled me over again. He opened my door got me out and handcuffed me. He gave me careless driving, disorderly conduct charge, impounded my vehicle and took me to jail. I called Whit to let him know what had happened. He told me that he would still represent me on the March tickets but he couldn't represent me on the new charges because he was going to be a witness in my defense on the new charges. Once again I had a hard time finding an attorney. I called Whit to let him know and he gave me attorney Bo Summers number. I called Bo and he took my case. I have dashcam video of this encounter. August 30, 2022 2nd court appearance for the March stop. I couldn't get a jury trial so this was a bench trial. Prosecutor Jim Holland once again offered a deal. He wanted me to take the unsafe lane change and he would drop the careless driving. Once again I declined his deal. Right before court they dropped the unsafe lane change because of paperwork issues. I went in front of the judge Allen Couch and unbelievably he found me guilty of careless driving. The judge did however get on the prosecutor for trying to give me jail time for tickets that do not carry jail time. I have court transcripts to prove this. September 3, 2022 I made a FB group, Trooper Jason Young Watchdog Group to inform the public of all this corruption. September 9, 2022 1st court appearance for the June stop. Didn't go in front of the judge or talk about the tickets that I was summoned to court for. Instead, I was told by my lawyer Bo that the prosecutor Jim Holland is thinking about charging me with a felony. I asked my attorney how can they charge me with a felony? He told me they said I threatened to kill trooper Young on FB. Of course I would never do that. I'm not an idiot! I was asked to go home, relax and maybe take down my FB group or maybe change the name of the group. Court was continued. I have audio recordings of this conversation. September 2022 I get the dashcam video that clearly shows trooper Young using government resources to stalk me and hunt me down. He is on the phone with another trooper Toweeka Fergerson telling her how he is going to see me and described my truck to her. October 21, 2022 My 2nd court appearance for June stop. Did not go in front of the judge and there was no mention of the felony charge. My attorney Bo talked to the prosecutor Jim Holland and he told me that both the prosecutor and Young admitted that Young did wrong. Instead of doing the right thing and dropping the charges the prosecutor offered a plea deal that he would drop the charges after a 6 month period if I take down or change the name of the FB group. I declined the deal. I told Bo I want to take this to trial to find out who is dirty and who isn't. Court was continued to December 9th. November I fired my attorney Bo Summers and hired Melissa Gardner. Lackluster put my story on YouTube and it blew up. At this point the system has eyes from across the country on them keep that in mind for what's about to happen next. Dec 9, 2022 My 3rd court appearance for the June stop. Every judge in the DeSoto County justice court and the prosecutor Jim Holland recused themselves from my case. They said they have to find a special judge and prosecutor to hear my case. Their "reason" for recusal, they think that I think they will not be fair in my case. Jan 2023 They found a special judge to hear my case and we are now waiting on the DeSoto county board of supervisors to appoint a prosecutor. Feb 2023 I heard that trooper Young was on modified duty/ desk duty, and was not patrolling the roads. March 2022 We get word that MS Hwy patrol has moved trooper Young to troop C in Simpson County MS April 21, 2023 Someone in the FB group informed me that trooper Young was working his 2nd job at his old apartment complex. We thought it was strange that he would still be working there after he was moved 300 miles away to another troop. We also wanted to catch him using state issued equipment while performing his 2nd job which is against Hwy patrol policy. My brother went to the Hamilton at Truman farms to record Young doing this. The windows are blacked out so my brother didn't know he was in the car. Young rolled down his window and my brother asked if he was E31 because his car didn't have any tags on it. My brother left and E31 followed him until he exited the apartment complex. April 24, 2023 Trooper Young got Lori Davis the office manager of the apartment complex to call the police and file trespassing on my brother. April 27, 2023 Trooper Young went to Horn Lake police department to add disturbing the peace to the police report that the apartment manager reported. May 2, 2023 Southaven PD served papers on my brother Matthew. Ordered to show at Horn Lake court on May 16th for a preliminary hearing on disturbing the peace. May 16, 2023 Matthew had his 1st court hearing. The judge Ben Murphy listened to Matthew and Youngs statements. Matthew explained to the judge that what he was doing was protected by the 1st amendment. The judge said that he hasn't dealt with 1st amendment rights since college and thats for a higher court. We have audio of this. The judge offered a deal for everyone to walk away as long as they agreed to a no contact order. Matthew and Young declined the deal. The judge said there was enough evidence to charge Matthew with disturbing the peace and they arrested him in court. May 17, 2023 The judge in Matthews case recused himself from the case. We still don't know the reason why. I hired my attorney Melissa Gardner to represent Matthew. May 24, 2023 My 4th court appearance for the June tickets and arrest. About ten minutes before court started my attorney Melissa informed me that trooper Young upped the disorderly conduct charge to a felony! He just can't help himself, and continues to retaliate on me for standing up to his lies and corruption. At this point I was facing 5 years in prison and a $25,000 fine. The dashcam was played in court and Young was questioned. Trooper Young lied throughout his testimony in court and denied everything that we were watching with our own eyes. Judge Hopkins evidently saw all of this and found me not guilty of disorderly conduct, not guilty of careless driving and dismissed the speeding ticket. I have court transcripts to show all of this. June, 2023 The court found a special judge to hear Matthews case on disturbing the peace. August 1, 2023 Matthews 2nd court hearing on disturbing the peace. The prosecutor offered a deal to drop disturbing the peace but keep the no contact order. Matthew declined the deal. Since Matthew declined the deal the prosecutor said she would not prosecute because she no laws have been broken. The judge agreed with the prosecutor but before he ruled on the case he lectured E31 on the constitution. He let Young know that what Matthew did was protected by the constitution. The judge ordered Trooper Young to take a class on the constitution within 6 months. Strangely he also ordered that the no contact order stay in place for both Matthew and Young. I could not get the long dashcam videos to load. If you have an email I can send them to that would be great. I also have court transcripts that would be easier to send via email.


Old Hwy 301, Mississippi 38641, USA

34.8822611, -90.1138886