Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1719687004 - 1125753245

Date of Offense

June 6, 2024

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the Louisiana State Bar Association


Assistant District Attorney Christina Fisher, retaliated, falsely accused and had claimant/ victim, Chief Hvishi Opa Luksi aks Gaynielle Housey Neville, the copyright owner of the names and the claimant victim has filed with receipt the challenge of subject matter and personal jurisdiction, the ADA Christina Fisher, forced a false arrest for a false accusation of a victimless crime and only because of retaliation, USC title 241, 241, 1091, Terrorism, Threats, Coercion, Duress, Intimidation, False information, Slander, Libel. The ADA Christina Fisher tried to force a plea from the defendants and when they refused, she set out to convict and condemn the defendants, Ferdinand Bernard Branch Jr, Liryca Charmaine Neville, Hvishi Opa Luksi aka, Gaynielle Housey Neville, and when they challenged her subject matter and personal jurisdiction for the violation of copyright infringement. She, along with rogue officer Lt. John Morse, Sgt. Grant Candies and Ad-Hoc Judge Paul A. Bonin, Judge William H. Burris, conspired to retaliate against Chief Hvishi Opa Luksi aka Gaynielle Housey Neville, principal chief of the Tchou Tchouma Tchouptioulas Nation placing her in false imprisonment with a false charge and false arrest, depriving the claimant and victim of her rights, with a fake, suspicious warrant ignoring all the treaties that was put in place to protect the American Indian. These Court officials have slandered, libeled and terrorized, humiliated, forced the claimants with coercion and color of law to force them into the court's jurisdiction when the court's jurisdiction has been challenged.

Definition of Offense(s)

Cooperative misconduct refers to a situation where the prosecutor collaborates or conspires with another party, such as the police, to commit misconduct. This type of behavior can include suppressing evidence, withholding information, or engaging in unethical tactics to secure a conviction.