Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1709225807 - 853495922

Robert Andres Bonta
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, California 94244-2550

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the State Bar of California


Wells Fargo investigations and misconduct, viscous sex murders of lawyers and individuals that have reported the truth and facts. Attacks at innocent women and children for witnessed incdent and events, has stolen arbitration and homes from victims and children are being molested and used with helmat head device, forcing children and women into homelessness and alienation fear based. Has left innocent women with rapist and child molester while offer payoffs to police and individuals who witness and clean up aftermath of visou rape where victim twisted own neck during rape while kept alive with medical equipment and them raped to death by force with batons fiber made of fiber glass. Is trying to murder and human trafficking women and children in state of arizonia and has made use of Ag office and Das officers to continue attacks. Women and children have no ideal why Ag offical attacked and is helping murders and phedillioes assukt and victimize women and children. Allowed lawyers attomey miscondut in threats and have told innocent womennand children to kill them sleves. Stravinsky g them and trafficking after setting a group event with dangerpus individuals to avoid procesution allowed continued poloce racketering and a international terriost attack with involved supremcy. Has been keeping innocent women out of home by foce and use of police, reporting false accusation of women reporting, and claming children and women are not sound mind. Assulting and assulting through vicuose indovudlas that police will not take action aginst because instructed by involved individuals. Is trying to steal everything from women and has left children with molester and abuser using helmat device to strike victims with frequency and abusive control over information. Poloce clam reports of assult are false when reports are legitimate and victims display obviouse signs of abuse and continued assukt by police.

Was given letter from. Ag office prior to attacks and assult.

Associated lawyer and attorney Rey are acting outside the jurisdiction of the laws and are trying to murder innocent woman and her children. Had illegal detained after vicouse party planned and allowed by police with gather illegitimate children and disavowed agents.

Have FBI agents balckmailed by bonta and FBI negligence in assisting inncoent woman and framed children.

Reports to FBI prior to and assult attacks cross over California to arizonia, das office involves
Long beach
Los Angeles

This man has been trying kill me and my children and is trafficking and trying murder me and my family children.

Humilating and sexual assulting us and leaving us homeless and with out resources to assitance use of illegal monitering and tracking by gang poloce and supremist intrnal.misconduct and use of woman to plagiarize information. 100 of reports made of misconduct and attacks. Arizonia DAs office is involved with trafficking victims and and judges are enjoying trying with innocent children and woman that reports miscondut.

Definition of Offense(s)

Prosecutorial misconduct refers to actions by a prosecutor that are unethical, illegal, or violate the rights of a defendant.

Prosecutor misconduct involving bias refers to when a prosecutor allows personal opinions, prejudices, or other factors to influence their decision making or behavior in a criminal case.

Coercive plea bargaining refers to the practice of using excessive pressure, threats, or other tactics to force a defendant to accept a plea bargain, even if it is against their best interest.

Cooperative misconduct refers to a situation where the prosecutor collaborates or conspires with another party, such as the police, to commit misconduct. This type of behavior can include suppressing evidence, withholding information, or engaging in unethical tactics to secure a conviction.

Destruction of evidence refers to a situation in which a prosecutor intentionally or recklessly destroys or conceals evidence that is material to the outcome of a criminal case.

Evidence that is favorable to the defendant (exculpatory) and could impact the outcome of the defendant’s case (material) is often called “Brady material” because of the seminal 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland.

Judicial proceedings type of prosecutor misconduct refers to unethical or illegal actions taken by a prosecutor during the course of a trial or other legal proceeding.

Obstruction of justice by a prosecutor refers to actions taken by a prosecutor to interfere with the administration of justice, such as hiding or withholding evidence, lying or making false statements in court, or engaging in other behavior that undermines the fairness and integrity of the legal

"Overcharging" refers to a prosecutor bringing excessive or unwarranted charges against a defendant in a criminal case. This can occur when a prosecutor deliberately or recklessly charges someone with more crimes or more serious crimes than the evidence supports.

Suborning perjury is a type of prosecutor misconduct where the prosecutor encourages or induces a witness or a defendant to provide false testimony under oath in a court of law.

Whistleblower retaliation is a type of prosecutor misconduct that involves taking adverse action against a person who has reported or is suspected of reporting illegal or unethical behavior by a prosecutor or other public official.

Witness tampering is a form of prosecutor misconduct where the prosecutor intentionally tries to interfere with the testimony of a witness in a court proceeding.