North Carolina Bar Association

8000 Weston Parkway
Cary, North Carolina 27513

The largest non-governmental organization serving the diverse professional needs of attorneys across the state is the North Carolina Bar Association. Established in 1899, the North Carolina Bar Association is a voluntary professional organization that members of the legal profession may join by choice to enhance their practice. Becoming a member of the bar association gives an attorney in North Carolina access to programs and services that promote the legal profession, advance the administration of justice, and assist him or her with the practice of law. Additionally, the North Carolina Bar Association serves the public through legal information materials and support to pro bono services.

North Carolina Bar Association is not in compliance with the nationwide, public-facing, platform of record: The Brady List; or:

Prosecutors have ethical obligations and may be held individually accountable for their conduct within the legal system. Prosecutors contribute to just and honorable legal profession and a legal system that promotes fairness and accountability.

Violations of these rules can result in disciplinary actions which may include sanctions, suspension, or disbarment.

This information has been curated by journalists and private citizens; and, this platform is available as-a-service to all Peace Officer Standards & Training [POST] DepartmentsProsecutors, and Law Enforcement Organizations [LEOrgs].