Public Complaint No. 1680139455 - 2067659687


On the evening of March 27th my husband and I went to the local store to get coffee creamer for the next morning, and a couple other items. We noticed an acquaintance of ours parked in her car by the ice chest. We went inside. Conducted our buisness and came back out to the truck. We noticed our acquaintance was still parked in the same spot but since we were closer we could see she looked very concerned. We got in our truck and drove over beside her, she was facing north in her driver's seat and my husband and I were facing south in our truck. Drivers windows to each other. We asked if she was OK? She told us she was scared because she had been followed by a guy in a jeep all day and he had followed her to her home, and many other places. This same jeep was parked a few spots over to the side of her car. There was a man in plain clothes on the phone pacing between her car and his. She was too scared to confront him about it so I jumped out of the truck and I walked behind her car, infront of my truck and over to the back of the jeep to look at his licence plate, as it was concerning to me as well if someone I know living in a tiny town is being followed by a stranger. The plate had a sherriff badge on it. I walked back over to between the two vehicles, hers, and ours and I told her that the plate had a sherriffs badge on it and while I was returning to the vehicles I noticed a marked sherriffs truck across the hiway at the coffee shop, so I told her to go over and ask him about what might be going on. I turned around and walked in front of my truck to the passenger side of it and as I was walking, the store clerk came out because we were the last customers and the store was empty so he was gonna grab his last smoke. I got into my truck. I turned to put my seat belt on, and as I did, the marked sherriffs truck sped across the hiway, flipped his lights on and jumped out of the truck pointing a long gun at my head. Screaming for everyone to show there hands and get out of the truck and or on the ground. At the same time the guy in the jeep that had everyone worried over on the other side of her car had a hand gun pointed at they're heads screaming the same commands. Then another unmarked vehicle sped in and he split the gap between the other 2 guns and started screaming as well. They put the store clerk on the ground and handcuffed him on his face first. Then they pulled our acquaintance out of her car and handcuffed her on the ground on her face. They then ordered my 100% disabled veteran husband out of the truck and on the ground in handcuffs on his face. Finally they ordered me to do the same. No one identified themselves, 2 were in plain clothes, no one told us what was going on or why we were being treated so horrifically for simply existing in an area talking to people we know in our tiny little town. They left us all cuffed but let us all stand up for a very long time. Shannon, our acquaintance was begging them to let her sit down because she was going to pass out, they just ignored her until finally I yelled at them and they let her sit down. Numerous times she asked for medical attention while in their custody. She never received any. These officers finally told us that the reason we were being detained was because we were talking to a person they have been investigating and they saw that my husband was carrying a weapon. He legally carries a side arm as is his 2nd amendment right. My husband, myself and the store clerk were all innocent bystanders on a potentially deadly situation that the boise county officers created themselves. They used excessive force and very poor judgment to achieve whatever goal they thought they had. They disarmed my husband and refused to return his weapon. Even after we were free to go. It took a lot of convincing to get SGT David Anthony (2249) to agree to return our weapons to our vehicle after we were let go. When Detective Kelly Montoya (2272) from the undercover vehicle finally came over and told us he was investigating the other female subject and because they saw my husband carried they decided to escalate the situation. Deputy Cooper (2278) didn't have much to say other than he was doing his job. SGT ANTHONY(2249) and deputy COOPER (2278) Both had body cams on and I asked both if they were currently recording they both said yes. These officers violated mine and my husband's 2nd and 4th amendment rights because they lack the training they need. They were incredibly unprofessional the entire time and actually told the store clerk today that they view members of the public as guilty until proven innocent. Which is why they treated us the way they did. They hurt my already injured husband even more with their excessive force while handcuffing and disarming him sgt Anthony searched us without consent, they searched our vehicle without consent and they took our weapons without consent. They obviously don't know what the constitution is or the oath they supposedly took to it. Fortunately for me I do . The corruption in boise county is everywhere. It starts from the top down. When we went to idaho city to file our complaints today, the morning following the incident. The sherriff refused to speak with us. We filed our complaints and our records requests and we left. These officers violated our civil rights for absolutely no reason and they need to be held accountable. I know the sherriff is probably just going to throw our complaints in the trash because like I said the curruption is everywhere over here and it starts at the top. That sutuation could have been handled in a much better, much more professional manner when there was innocent bystanders in the cross fire of those guns pointed at our heads unjustified. These officers obviously are too unhinged to be loose with the general public. They lack the de escalation training that they should have. They have no idea how to properly communicate with the public and they are dangers to our community. I spoke with Detective Brandon Elle with the idaho state police who sent me to you. I've also contacted a civil rights attorney. As good standing law abiding citizens. Constitutionalists with no crimal past or history and my husband as an injured 100% disabled veteran who fought for this country and also took an oath to the constitution. We are greatly disappointed in the actions of these officers and their willing violation of our civil rights. An investigation needs to be done into boise county sherriffs, I'm not the only person who has interesting interactions with this department. There will be many people involved in this lawsuit. I have video evidence of the incident of March 27th after they released me from my handcuffs.


Rays corner market horseshoe bend, idaho

43.91474521529, -116.19782125