Public Complaint No. 1709242103 - 1611910696

Javier Sarmiento
6100 NW 99th Avenue
Doral, Florida 33178

Date of Offense

February 14, 2023


On Feb. 6, 2024, they promoted Sergeant Javier Sarmiento who conducted the Internal Affairs Investigation to Lieutenant. THIS WAS ANOTHER SLAP IN THE FACE Sergeant Javier Sarmiento conducted all the interviews in a manner to benefit Officer Gonzalez and discredit our son. All these Officers lied in their sworn statements and Sergeant Sarmiento who had seen the Body-worn cameras footage did nothing about it and it was concluded on the internal Affairs disposition that Officer Gonzalez did nothing wrong except use profanity. Sarmiento was later provided with additional evidence of all the false statements made by Gonzalez and the other officers, including the security guard that called 911, and was asked to amend the disposition towards the end of November of 2023. Since no response had been received on February 20, 2023, we requested and update on our case to which new internal affairs investigator Sergeant Damian Markowycz responded 2 days later that the case had been closed and the disposition is not able to be appealed, it is the conclusion of the case. Chief Edwin Lopez, who was also notified of our complaint and disposition of no wrong-doing, and he agreed… At the Doral PD Swearing-In and Promotional ceremony, while commending Sarmiento, stated he's an honest and fair man. Attached is the IA disposition letter and our response for your reference. I'm also sharing with you the audio recordings of officer Ariel Gonzalez' sworn statement to Internal Affairs and another 2 officers who also blatantly lied and the incompetent security guard's false report and false sworn statement as well, all while the internal affairs investigator Sergeant Javier Sarmiento had watched the videos and evidence himself and just allowed them to lie under oath. You can also tell how internal affairs investigator Sergeant Sarmiento leads them all into saying our son "seemed" under the influence to discredit him to help THEIR CASE. In reference to the security guard, please read and listen to the audios on our response letter to Internal Affairs so that you can see how this guy seems to have been "coached" to respond the way he did in the interview; we had spoken to him after the incident and everything he said on this interview is a lie. We can't believe he could lie like that after he spoke to us and knew we had recorded our conversations, so he either also wants to help the police, as this security company seems to work hand in hand with police, or he is just nuts, probably both. Officer Ariel Gonzalez is a dangerous person to have in our police department and people need to know what he did, and hopefully avoid it happening to someone else. Officer Gonzalez interview. Ofc Gonzalez statement.mp3 Shared with Dropbox Officer Vales sworn statement. Ofc Vales Statement.mp3 Shared with Dropbox Officer St. Cyr. Sworn Statement  Ofc H. St Cyr Satement.mp3 Shared with Dropbox This is the video of what our son was doing when these officers arrived and saw him, and they say he was being aggressive, non-compliant and yelling and screaming, rubbing his nose, and grinding his teeth. Please watch and tell me if any of this is true. Not uncooperative, sorry until placed in car.mp4 Shared with Dropbox Security Guard's sworn statement. Mr. Kevin Escoto is the person that made the false 911 call and is a negligent and incompetent security guard and has no remorse for the damage he's caused our family. Kevin Escoto (Security) Statement.mp3 Shared with Dropbox On Nov 6 we had requested these recordings because they were not included with the disposition letter, they didn't even tell us they existed and we had to ask on the status of the request several times, they sent us the audios 5 weeks later. This has been their treatment from the start. It took us a month to get the Body-Worn camera footage. We filed our complaint on April 5th, 2023, Internal Affairs had the disposition letter by August 4th, but it was just sent to us on November 3rd. The following videos can show a summary of what happened to our son. This complaint is associated with Doral Police Department Internal Affairs Case Against K9 Police Officer Ariel Gonzalez, also on Brady List. See Link: Officer Gonzalez, Ariel | Doral Police Department Brady List | Public Complaint No. 1702514337 - 2064338576 The Doral Police Department Brady List contains records of Officer Gonzalez, Ariel, including: Public Complaint No. 1702514337 - 2064338576.


6650 NW 114th Ave, Doral, FL 33178, USA

25.8337491, -80.3838497