Public Complaint No. 1704829333 - 577060449

Jean Vales
6100 NW 99th Avenue
Doral, Florida 33178

Date of Offense

February 14, 2023



Doral Police Officer Jean Vales Badge No. 914 also provided false statements in his sworn testimony to Internal Affairs (see link below). All questions were manipulated to discredit our son to make him look bad in an attempt to justify what was done to him by K9 Police Officer Ariel Gonzalez and cover the fact that there was no probable cause for the arrest. The Internal Affairs investigator did this with all officers, asking questions such as the one in this recording "Did you notice anything about the individual? Anything that stood out? And follow up questions to support these statements, getting them all to say that he seemed under the influence. Although this and nothing else they said justifies anything, they were all lies. Below is also a video of what Officer Jean Vales saw when our son was being illegally searched, and falsely stated our son was verbally belligerent, aggressive, not compliant, incoherent, yelling and screaming. Internal Affairs investigator also asked all of the officers if they saw any injuries on the young man that may suggest he was battered or that the officer used excessive force. As if not being physically injured means there was no physical aggression; see videos below that clearly show Officer Gonzalez violently assaulted our son and him whine in pain when Officer Gonzalez slammed him on the ground face first while his hands were handcuffed to his back just because he was annoyed by our son asking to please call his dad as this happened just steps away from our apartment. Officer Vales sworn statement. This is the video of what our son was doing when Officer Jean Vales saw him, and he says he was being aggressive, non-compliant and yelling and screaming. This is a video of Officer Jean Vales the night of the incident talking to another mom about Officer Gonzalez K9 saying: "That dog would have eaten that guy alive" These 3 videos can provide a summary of what happened that night This complaint is associated with Doral Police Department Internal Affairs Case Against K9 Police Officer Ariel Gonzalez, also on Brady List. See Link: Officer Gonzalez, Ariel | Doral Police Department Brady List | Public Complaint No. 1702514337 - 2064338576 The Doral Police Department Brady List contains records of Officer Gonzalez, Ariel, including: Public Complaint No. 1702514337 - 2064338576.


6650 NW 114th Ave, Doral, FL 33178, USA

25.8337491, -80.3838497