Public Complaint No. 1673020421 - 1049991067

Thomas J Howard
51 16th Street
Wheeling, West Virginia 26003

Date of Offense

July 14, 2022



Tom, It came to my attention that last week during the WVSAYLA, that the WV Sheriff’s Association is responsible for, and your agency hosted at West Liberty University, that I was not allowed to come to the graduation that was not invitation only. Last Wednesday, 13 July 2022, I was messaged via Facebook by Cabell County SO Sgt. Romero to call him. I called him and he informed me that I needed to call you to tell you that I was coming to the WVSAYLA graduation on Friday, 15 July 2022. He explained to me further that , “You were pissed that another past camp staff member, (Sell) came to camp today.” and didn’t want anymore surprises. I told Romero that I would call you but I needed your number. Later on that day, Romero messaged me again and said, “just call his office”. On 14 July 2022, I called the OCSO,304-234-3690 at 1253 hours and left a message for you to call me back. As of today, you have not called me. Later on that day, WVSAYLA staff member and Boone County Deputy Dent called me to inform me that you said,” If he shows up here tomorrow. I am arresting him and I have a warrant on my desk.” Dent did question you and later on I checked the validity of this with your agency on this. As of now there is no record of a warrant. You informed Dent that the reason was because campers from 2021, met me for dinner last year. FYI, that was at the Olive Garden last year during the PRO conference and two (2) of the campers’ parents or guardians brough them to the restaurant. One (1) young lady Kaylynn Hall drove herself there and after they each paid for the dinners individually. We all said goodbye and one (1) took Hall and I’s photo outside of the Olive Garden in Triadelphia, WV. During dinner we sat at a four (4) seat table near a window to the right in the dining room in a well-lit area! Also, my department issue car was outside of the window. Meeting campers whose parents or guardians brought them to a public place is a crime in WV? Later on I was notified by former camper, Katie Smith, who informed me that you had told her that if I showed up at camp, that I’d be arrested! She did leave WLU and contact me over it. I had permission to come to graduation by my department and was planning on sitting in the crowd. As you know, I had covid previously but was negative and I didn’t feel that I should be on my feet for hours at camp, plus my personal doctor didn’t recommend that I go. I decided not to come to keep any issue with you during this time for the campers and the long days may have flared up my covid symptoms. Last year, I meet three (3) campers at the Olive Garden in Triadelphia, WV while I was at the PRO conference as noted above. In 2018, Monongahela County deputy Ayersman and I met several WVSAYLA at Quaker Steak in Triadelphia, WV. Two (2) those were Katie Smith and Mate Mumford. Both of us drove separate vehicles and neither one of us had alcohol as with last years dinner with Hall and two (2) others. As matter of fact, I have pics to prove who was at each dinner meeting(2021 and 2018) and I was in plain clothes each time! 2018, Greenbrier West shirt and 2021 Greenbrier East Shirt. FYI, this was a Wednesday because it was wing special night. This email has been sent to my Sheriff, Chief Deputy Martin, Captain Sawyers, Captain Baker, Lt. Hedrick of my department and to WVSA Director Rodney Miller. I also have contacted my legal aid, which is the Southern States Police Benevolent Association and will expect a call back sometime this week. If you will recall last year, you came to me at the Thursday night dance, stuck your finger in my face over Tommy Ricker, former WVSAYLA and US Army vet coming to camp for a few minutes to see past staff members. Boone County Deputy Dent was a witness to this and you did this in front of WVSAYLA campers. I have been an active member of the WVSAYLA since 2009 and if you recall I had to ask permission from you in 2021, to come back to camp because of an alleged issue with a West Liberty RA over an AC unit in my room plus a parent apparently complained, but you never did ever formally tell me, but that she called you. I have no proof of the call or conversation you had with her just your word. I checked later on when she came to Western Greenbrier Middle School to pick up her sons phone he left there and she didn’t say a word to me about the matter. I will remind you that she was from Summers County, and she was Ian Gardner’s mother! I travel statewide 2-3 times a year in my own personal vehicle to see these kids in sports, other extra-curricular activities, or if I just happen to be in their area just to say hello to them. You as a former PRO should know that this is priceless to them! Just them seeing us in a crowd is worth more than any amount of money in the world. My questions in regards to this matter are: Why is this arrest warrant now being brought up? Why have I not been notified personally or my department notified of this warrant? How can anyone not go to the camp graduation unless there is a court order or a violation of Chapter 61 in effect? In the past campers and staff have always been allowed. How can a sworn and elected official threaten me with an arrest of a warrant that currently does not exist per your records department? Tom, you are the Sheriff of Ohio County, you are the State FoP president, you are the regional liaison for the north PRO’s and you are WV state DARE coordinator. How can you lie, make up or threaten me or anyone without being held accountable for your actions? In closing, I feel that you have a personal issue with me, but you should be held to higher standard besides threatening to arrest me . If I can and I will have my legal aid contact you over this and we may pursue this further! I may also contact your County Commissioners about your threats and bullying that has occurred towards me and others at camp. I may also be in contact with the National FoP , National DARE coordinator and WVDCJS who is over the PRO program for WV or have the SSPBA contact them for me. I want you know that I wanted to surprise the WVSAYLA 2022 staff and kids on Friday, but you threatening to arrest me and telling several there is the only reason why I didn’t come to it. So basically, thanks for ruining it, because some of the campers cried over it! I am not a saint by any means, but I do have HONESTY and INTEGRITY! I checked a week or so later, no warrant was issued. I have sent info to his county commission, county administrator, and no comment back.


West Liberty, WV, USA

40.169794, -80.5936851