Public Complaint No. 1668359528 - 503168349


On the evening of Aug. 9th I was parked on a public right of way minding my own business, it was at this time when deputy Simonson pulled behind me and turned on his emergency lights. Simonson approached my vehicle and demanded to see my license, when I asked why he needed my license I was told to “shut the fuck up and hand it over” after approximately 20min deputy Simonson returned to my vehicle with who I can only assume his sergeant and demanded I step out of the vehicle, I complied and was immediately placed in handcuffs and placed under arrest. I asked deputy Simonson why I was being arrested and he gave no answer, I was placed in the back of his patrol car after which he turned the air conditioner off, directly afterwards he and several other officers proceeded to search my vehicle by means of tearing it apart, when deputy Simonson returned to his patrol car I asked why I was being arrested his answer was “you’ll find all that out when you get to jail and have first appearance” I was never read my Miranda rights of given the circumstances or reason why I was placed under arrest further more my treatment and the manner of which I was treated was completely unprofessional and unlawful.


Panama City, FL, USA

30.1588129, -85.6602058