Public Complaint No. 1654587441 - 1380998394

Chris Mullins
235 Fourth Avenue
South Charleston, West Virginia 25303

Supporting Document(s)


That night police told the lady they didn't need her statement they had all they attorney informed me that she went the next day and demanded to speak to the chief and made him take her witness statement as to what she seen.i spent 30 days locked up her statement was identical to what mine was and charges dismissed. Police misconduct they tried to set me up knowing it was not true the man involved. Lamar Mosley was a police informant.i have more his cousin was the gangstalker that destroyed my home my life and cps sighted she was why they where taken. She also was paid by the Pasco county sheriff in Florida I have a envelope in her writing with other identitying things email address and password which is her oldest son's name. I also have two of her old phones screens broken. I tried to get DVPs twice then cps took my kid's saying that I left them alone with Courtney Jefferson exposing exposing them to domestic violence. I asked for help for that to make her leave and then they took them for that reason .I've been charged with assault on a minor the night my oldest son punched me I had a black eye and didn't hit back just restraining him and saying I was gonna take his privlages and he was grounded until further notice I let him go and told him I'd be right back for his games. He shut his door which the frame was already busted. So I pushed it open and that's when police came he had told my brother via Facebook he was afraid so he called them. After 2 hours at the scpd chris mullins asked if I had somewhere to go for the night then tolde prosecutor is charging me with assault on a minor.i was treated like a POS best up in jail too. I have been in jail as a victim I get harrased even tonight as walking up the hill cop pulls up stopped and questions me. Can't count the times the have done this usually run my name and frisk me. They had to know she was his cousin lamars that is and the scpd conspired with her costing my kids my attorney Joe spano solde out when I asked him he quit the next quit too before I could speak to him and he failed to file an appeal missing two meeting I asked for and he never gave a reason it's all on record the judge said Courtney wasn't gonna leave took my rights and my kids I haven't seen for over3 years almos 4 they charged me with other stuff also dropped its in my file I have the evidence of her being paid the Pasco county sheriff phone number she wrote the EIN and the amount of state wages in her hand writing she is and was gangstalking and the the conspiracy is easy to see. They still are harrassimg me I've had my phone rooted the cyber cop scpd told me I couldn't do anything and there's so much it's unreal the Pasco county sheriff was under investigation for gangstalking she is I understand being rewarded getting to see her kids she lost before I knew her please help Ive had. Mail messed with shipping address changed as I tracked the delivery and post master did nothin wouldn't tell me where it went I've had mountain bike Lost in the mail packages opened contents broke. I haven't civil rights they do nothing when I report things my home broke in to constantly I seen the neighbors kids fleeing my property one afternoon and found his cloths in my basement the father Chris Carlton size 42 waste I have rhose still and his shirt I've found cloths not mine for years .they recently show up cuff my at my home saying I wasn't supposed to be here it was condemned which it wasn't they run my name and searched me I explained it isn't and after harrassing me let me go back to bed my home I'm saling to the city cause it's destroyed because of her and the police did not help they knew she was related to the man I was gang attacked at rite aid obviously retaliation for my self defense shots. Help please I should own this town I miss my kids the cps worker lied as did my baby momma and my attorney set me up.


333 MacCorkle Ave, South Charleston, WV 25303, USA

38.3696835, -81.6958739