Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1719268475 - 1789391953

Stephanie Bridgette
1355 West Street
Redding, California 96001

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the State Bar of California


This is something I have to do because it needs to come out I've watched more than 6-7 videos with Redding police department officers discriminating and harassing my boyfriend for no legal reason (from what I saw it was only because he was black nothing else ) I have heard them on video stating their reasonable suspicion is " because Redding is a high crime area,) I've been to Redding especially my boyfriends house I have not seen one ounce of a crime they exaggerating about nor is that a reason to keep constantly pulling my boyfriend over not once , not twice, nit three times , not four but more than 7 times identifying him, and searching his car without his consent being extremely biased thinking he selling drugs , he is a RETIRED DISABLED VETERAN he make too much money to be engaging himself an anything criminal , I'm his witness, I'm watching the video as he is on cam recording going" here I am being pulled over for a 6th time by rod for no reason this is an ongoing problem , they pull him over when no crime was committed . It's ridiculous , supportive of my boyfriend ever since this tragic incident happened to him by police , Duty conducted an illegal traffic stopped my boyfriend an retired disabled veteran that was not under the influence of alcohol or any substances, what made the stop appear suspicious was that there were no traffic violations that was committed to warrant being wrongfully pursued by these 2 officers who are brady list bad cops ( I looked them up on the Brady list) still employed with rpd ( creates a danger to citizens) they pulled him over for unlawful investigatory purposes , being no crime was committed decided to hand- pick him for an ( unlawful pretextual stop).on video I see they are Flashing lights all in his car and in his face searching around Trying to ask for my papers , while I continuously asked them what am I being charged with? What crime have I committed ? What crime can you articulate ? The officers falsify the reason , ( it was mentioned in the officers report they thought I looked suspicious and had a "Hunch" I was engaged in criminal activity trying to avoid them by slowing down, as their cruiser was in front of me ( number 1 ..I had no clue I was being tailed , 2. These officers were never in front of me so they falsified their positions). My window was rolled down so they saw he was African American and automatically ASSUMED he was a criminal, or engaged in some sort of criminal activity . #3. This is a violation of his fourth amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure these cops were violating his right before even deciding to pull him over racially profiling him , #4 I hear dispatch lying to the cop telling the officer after running his disabled veteran plates ( plates he just got from the DMV, I was present when he picked them up ) they stated that the vehicle is registered to a male from Maryland driving around with a suspended (Maryland Drivers license) I have checked his license he has a valid ca drivers license , not a Maryland drivers license, he has never in his life applied for a Maryland drivers license, he showed me a copy of his first driver's permit , and license which was from overseas in Hawaii so I do not know where they got that from . He was stationed at kbay mcbh , each time they asked for his id I witnessed him asking what is the probable cause officer? They named of two vehicle codes that were never even violated in the first place to attempt to justify the illegal traffic stop mentioning he was missing a front license plate they did not say anything about his back plate and I see them prolonging the stop after the officer said she made s mistake , then instead of letting him go I seen on thr video they made him sit and wait while they was trying to find something to justify violating thr fourth amendment and fourteenth amendment watching this female officer I seen she was up to no good , then i see her pull something else ou of thin air she told him ". OH . The second reason I pulled you over is your rear tint is illegal it's too dark " ( I knew there was something definitely wrong about this stop, and this cop from what I witnessed) they were looking for soemthing and it hwd nothing to do.eith a license plate or a tint ( being that I eas eith him when he got his tint metered by a sheriff deputy who stated his driver , passenger , and rear window tint were all legal printed up the tint code gave him a business card and said that if anybody says its not give him a call.) There was definitely something off about this cop and her partner who I kept seeing tried to avoid being on camera , he left my house in Oregon that same day he was unlawfully stopped he had s license which I thought was pretty unethical and conduct unbecoming of an officer #4 I heard repeatedly asked in a professional manner" if I was free to go" they kept telling me " no , not till you show us your papers ". I seen him say this is racial profiling I've committed no crimes but you are dead set on Trying to investigate me instead of letting me go Trying to see why he in Redding , I seen him ask again " officer can give me one LEGAL crime you have witnessed me commit in your presence to warrant pulling me over. She could not come up with anything , I witnessed the female cop over the phone get mad , stuttering trying to come up with anything she can just being frustrated when he asked her to articulate from what I heard she could not articulate meaning she had no valid reason it was something personal with her like some sort of biased behavior , I knew right off the back I was under an unlawful detainment , there is no crime in challenging the legality of a stop if they would have articulated a valid crime he committed he would have been happy to oblige in turning over his "freedom papers"#5 if they stated one crime he committed in their presence then he would have turned over my "freedom papers ," since they did not have the temperament to articulate and explain because I seen her on video saying " im losing my patience" I watched the video seeing him tell the officers to call a supervisor to the scene to intervene in the brutality I was faced with after the officer threatened to violate another constitutional right by;stating on camera " if you don't give me your papers I will pull you out of your car and take you to jail to just to identify you ". By using force to extract him from his vehicle instead of allowing him to get out on his own that is a fourth and fourteenth amendment violation , #6 I see the supervisor they called ( who are was a Brady list cop also) arrives surrounding his vehicle with other 8 officers ( additional Brady list cops). I watched as calmly explained to him the cop was blowing the issue way out of proportion saying that his behavior is not normal, I witnessed my boyfriend tell him in a low tone " my behavior is completely normal, this stop isn't normal, I'm constantly being harassed by you cops for nothing and I don't commit any traffic infractions, traffic violations, never engaged in any suspicious activity , have not committed any crimes , there is no one calling in reports , so why am I always being targeted by your department? why the stop was unlawful , and the officers holding me against my will , I then explain to the supervisor the pattern of practice within his department of his officers pulling me over with no justifiable reason targeting me , being followed by rpd around Redding all the way to the front door of my house as they sit there watching me in their patrol car for no reason , speeding off when i approach them to get their name and badge numbers, being stopped again for no reason leaving my home to go to a VA doctors Appointment being tailed by 2 cops in 2 different squad cars for no reason leaving a Laundromat parking lot , he explain to him he has been recording every single pattern of incidence of rpd discriminatory harassment and officers refusing to identify themselves laughing at him and speeding off like immature adults , not disclosing names and badge numbers when they violate my fourth amendment right searching my vehicle without his consent , nor any crimes committed ,( I watched that video too and am a witness to the officer pulling him over for no reason, and entering his vehicle it is a disgrace ) he recorded the officer on video I heard the officer with my own two ears saying he did nothing wrong but he still wanted to investigate him for warrants , probation because he "Looked Suspicious". I hear The supervisor ask my boyfriend " what is the solution you think I should take " ? He calmly tell him (without yelling , or showing any signs of him being any type of threat) my boyfriend tells him " well I would hope you do the right thing abide by the constitution and let me be free to go and continue on with my night in picking up my order from Coco's Mongolian BBQ so I can take my medication , being that I have not committed any crimes , nor have they articulated but are threatening to yank me out of my car which their behavior is unethical. The supervisor began making up some other stuff and. Said " sure we will let you go when you show us your papers , right now your impeding in an investigation , (at this point the officers did not listen to him, to me from what I saw these cops kept escalating the situation instead of releasing him) my boyfriend asked " Investigation of what I haven't committed any crimes,* he says " your identity you could have warrants, on probation, ". So he was being racially investigated for no reason out of "bad faith" , this cop who is supposed to be supervisor did not display himself in a manner s supervisor would conduct themselves at this point I knew the supervisor was up to no good also , I watched him explained when they got in his face that " he have no warrants he is a retired disabled veteran , they can clearly see his army retirement stickers on the back of my car and he is a law abiding citizen, ( he is a good driver I got the papers to prove it, we are in the same insurance plan under the California good driver plan both of us) I realized just by watching these videos this stop is unlawful , he tells that to the officer " y'all are not acting in a lawful manner seems to me that your department lacks the proper making traffic stops" , (not a crime to express freedom of speech) for identifying " bad apples"" they didn't like that. I heard mumbling in the back ground cops talking under their breath , my boyfriend is deaf in one ear and has tinnitus from a mortar bomb explosion in Iraq when he fought for our freedom in post 9-11 , I see on the video my boyfriend asks the supervisor in a terrified voice " why is there 8 cops for just one harmless veteran , I have no weapons , nothing illegal on me just s pack Marlboro cigarettes" that is when I looked closer seeing the cops rush his vehicle opening his door as my boyfriend drops his cell phone startled trying to pick it up I see him get yanked out of his car he is screaming get off me y'all hurting me breaking my arm then the video gets cut, looking at my boyfriends time stamped complaint he filed with the Redding police department I made him file he explains what happened during the unlawful arrest with the excessive force i.made him submit the medical records with the complaint, and had him hire an attorney , in the report it clearly stated the supervisor failed to intervene in the unlawful use of force , what supervisor takes it upon himself to rip an innocent ma out of his car knocking his cane out of his hand because he does walk with an assisted device Due to degenerative joint disease, chondromalacia , and arthritis , a broken right ankle I checked his VA medical records personally ) why would they pick sweep him off his feet and slam him face first to the ground he was no threat to anybody out there , they caused him to sustain whiplash/post concussion front he force they executed ripping him out my car unprovoked , they violated his first amendment right to record the arrest by knocked his phone out of his hand and ended his recording to prevent me from recording the excessive force they used . All 8 cops jump me sweeping him from recording the excessive force the report states they swept him off his feet throwing him to the ground face first into the concrete busting his bottom chin open, ( I witnessed the injuries and seen the medical discharge reports I'm a witness to his injuries , they had him in a sling for 6 weeks , knee bandaged on codeine for the pain on bed rest, I had to take care of him, and drive him around) they even grabbed the back of shirt pulling it back strangling me felt like I had a noose around my neck) restricting my breathing , (I already have resporatory issues as a disability) hood in some sort of choke hold while he was splitting out blood yelling at em " y'all just busted busted my lip" they then commence breaking his (R) arm bashing his knee completely detaching his ligament behind his knee cap , they use an unreasonable pro,- longed arm restraint move after already breaking my arm , as he screamed in pain (this is all in the complaint I had him file) cont.. they continued to twist his arm further breaking it , (I guess they were enjoying it wanting to see bones and blood sticking and gushing out of his arm to fulfill their sick agenda) all because he asked questions about the stop,, as he used self defense re-twisting his arm in the correct position to keep them from further breaking it , being they had already broke it for no reason ,that is when they mysteriously started to yell " Quit Resisting , Quit Resisting (, I seen the video they never once said the words " you are being placed under arrest" they just arrested me without saying I was under arrest. ) There was nothing for him to resist , unseen the video he didn't try to the run, he wasn't being combative , he didn't try to start his car and take off he didn't try to run on foot so why would they say quit resisting, (to cover up the excessive force they used unlawfully that's why )!They use excessive force with the cuffs tightening them around his wrist severing close to his superficial radial artery as he screaming in pain( I took photos of the cuff scars where they severed it , and the bruises on his wrists and made him send them to his attorney) attorney once again telling them to "loosen the cuffs their cutting my wrist open" Then they tear my car apart searching for god knows what , didn't find what they were looking for then huddled up whispering to each other , from my observation their conduct showed me that they were trying to put their heads together to scheme something , and bragging about how they kicked my butt or something. The complaint stated "They tore my car apart after I told them I do not give them consent to search my vehicle . They didn't care they did it anyway stole my key off my keychain and wrongfully impounded it" he went on to say . "They totally bypass me having a proper medical examination by rushing me out of the emergency room after they took their Merry time getting me there and dragging me in even though I was limping from an injured knee , they hurry up and get the medical clearance to throw me in jail after talking over top of me and interfering with me reporting the injuries and excessive force they used . Throw me in a jail cell after making bigoted comments comparing me to black rap artists ( JAY-Z) saying I look like him. Medical staff at the jail does not even treat my wounds or even care to see me . They bypass me as I tell em I'm in excruciating pain( medical neglect) they try to lock me to a chair in unsanitary conditions where there is somebody blood smeared all over the chair, and the walls , ( they had no body come clean it up ) the blood could have been an HIV positive inmate , they throw me in a jail cell 6 hours with a broken arm injured knee , shoulder , head aches busted chin , and bloody wrist until they release me 2 am in the freezing cold where I had to limp to Shasta regional two miles down the road to seek the proper medical attention . Where I was diagnosed with having a sprained knee , with ligament completely missing , torn fibers and ligament damage in my right shoulder , whiplash/concussion esk event from altercation with police. After I picked my vehicle up out of impound ( luckily I had a spare key ) I filed an unreasonable excessive force causing bodily harm complaint with rpd . They isolated the complaint did not give him or pay him any attention after coming to his house trying to point the finder at him , I was in the bedroom listening the whole time , I can hear in their voices they knew their officers were in the wrong they even said it themselves but at the same time I listened close as I heard the other detective trying to shift the blame on the hospital, then trying to shift the blame on the jail house for not tending to his injuries , anything they could to try to escape accountability , but I heard my man tell them that their officers used excessive force here is the medical documents, they stole my key , unlawfully searched my car , your department has bad apples there are good cops and there a re bad cops in my case I was pulled over by two bad cops these charges are fraudulent m, I heard tge detective slip up and admit to my boyfriend they dud violate his fourth amendment right. , he then told my dude if you would have shown your id then none of this would have happened to you, I was about to run out and curse out the detective but I kept my composure, my dude told them id does not justify breaking my arm these officers need to be disciplined, it's on their body cam video them using excessive force breaking my arm , snd slamming me on the ground , thr cop from what I heard sounded like he didnt even review over thr videos , or even is concealing the videos , i hear my dude request the investigator turn over thr body cameras of all thr officers , we even went to the police station requested the body cameras , rpd refuses to turn them over , that is when i told my boyfriend he is going to have to hire an attorney, these detectives seem extremely shady we tried getting the disposition, results of the investigation any disciplinary actions taken against the officers , requested video of the unlawful arrest and excessive force to turn over to a civil rights attorney at the time (Jerry Steering) and a criminal defense attorney being this is his first time being wrongfully charged with a crime we have to fund out how to navigate a criminal process of being wrongfully charged with a crime he didn't commit , they refused to turn the video over to us, so they were in ethics violation .( I keep a time stamped copy of his complaint with the medical evidence of excessive force in my dresser) so from what I have witnessed is the department is concealing exculpatory evidence from me and the public they allow.their officers to file false "Cover charges " of 148 PC . Typical cover charges cops use to conceal excessive force misconduct. Being they had nothing to back up why I was being investigated, or any valid legal crime I ever committed to warrant being id or detained ..after he hire an attorney come time for discovery he only receive half of the discovery four to five falsified police reports that are very inconsistent , used jargon indicating as if they are throwing hints they may have mistaken his Identity to exaggerated, and embellishing statements by five of these Brady list cops , she or the police department refused to turn over Brady material/public complaints on these five cops which is exculpatory evidence that would be favorable to my boyfriend case in deeming him innocent thus (having his charges dismissed with extreme prejudice), exposing their history of misconduct . In helping my boyfriend look up the laws on Brady it states That not turning over Brady material that would be in favor of the defendant that violates a federal protected right to the freedom of information act. Federal law states she is to turn over all Brady material even before any motion is filed with the courts . After watching television and seeing a news report on TV, and on the internet stating that this prosecutor has a history of 10 Brady violations , I guess this will be the 11th Brady violation and cooperative misconduct . I am submitting this complaint every statement is true , factual , with evidence attached . Discovery from Stephanie Bridgett minus the Brady material she had a duty to disclose pursuant to Brady v Maryland she is in non-compliance with Penal Code 1054 Sanctions for "Brady" Violations The prosecuting attorney is required, both constitutionally and statutorily, to disclose specified information and materials to the defendant. In California, the defendant is also statutorily required to disclose specified information and materials to the prosecution. (Penal Code §1054. In watching my boyfriend go over the discovery , we don't see not one iota of Brady material her office submitted as they are by law supposed to . Normally this is done to deceive the judge in gaining an wrongful conviction, I made my boyfriend post the discovery minus the Brady material , with the Brady v giglio list with all the officers who materials she concealed deceptively Whether it be her or the police department she so trusts. My boyfriend has a pre trial settlement Conference on Feb 26 2024 at Shasta county courthouse , maybe she will do the right thing and dismiss the case , if not hopefully she doesn't abuse her power and does the right thing in actually turning over the Brady material / public complaints / and body camera videos untampered , to clear my man's name . If not I will be back on here if she tries to coerce him into taking a wrongful plea bargain just to gain wrongful convictions for her own personal gain. Over a falsified misdemeanor charge. S crime he didn't even commit . This case was not supposed to make it in the hands of a prosecutor in the first place , these charges were supposed to be dropped by the investigators at the police department . But they submitted them anyway without submitted the officers Brady paperwork or they submitted it , and the prosecutor knows the officers have a history of misconduct but is canceling it front he judge . If this is the case then shame on her for even following through with the charges knowing them to be false.

Definition of Offense(s)

Prosecutorial misconduct refers to actions by a prosecutor that are unethical, illegal, or violate the rights of a defendant.

Coercive plea bargaining refers to the practice of using excessive pressure, threats, or other tactics to force a defendant to accept a plea bargain, even if it is against their best interest.

Cooperative misconduct refers to a situation where the prosecutor collaborates or conspires with another party, such as the police, to commit misconduct. This type of behavior can include suppressing evidence, withholding information, or engaging in unethical tactics to secure a conviction.

Evidence that is favorable to the defendant (exculpatory) and could impact the outcome of the defendant’s case (material) is often called “Brady material” because of the seminal 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland.

Judicial proceedings type of prosecutor misconduct refers to unethical or illegal actions taken by a prosecutor during the course of a trial or other legal proceeding.

Obstruction of justice by a prosecutor refers to actions taken by a prosecutor to interfere with the administration of justice, such as hiding or withholding evidence, lying or making false statements in court, or engaging in other behavior that undermines the fairness and integrity of the legal