Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1719267948 - 1459991486

Myra Staresina Severyn
30 East Broad Street, 14th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the Ohio State Bar Association


On October 13, 2022, Myra Severyn visited me while I was being unlawfully detained for the second time at Macedonia Municipal Building for [no charges listed on paper] by Judge Kim Hoover out of a hearing he unlawfully conducted in Penelope Taylor's courtroom in Stow, Ohio where I was assaulted by his sergeant, the male 'body search' officer perpetrated sexual battery on me when purportedly frisking my leggings - his fingers penetrated several inches into my vagina as his sergeant stood watch in front of the elevators outside Penelope Taylor's courtroom, Kim Hoover's bailiff menaced and threatened bodily harm and several other officers in the courtroom menaced and threatened death on my refusal to yield jurisdiction over my own body. Kim Hoover ordered me held without cause or bond for most of the day and then jailed overnight because I refused to plea to false charges against me which Myra Severyn and Santo Incorvaia had DISCHARGED in Macedonia Mayor's Court on September 15, 2022. These charges stemmed from a false complaint written by Jon Golden, not the woman Sadie Sutton who was claiming I did her harm, on September 8, 2022 after I discovered she, the manager of the Country Inn and Suites in Macedonia, Ohio and her staff were purposely violating Federal American's with Disabilities Act statute by harassing and fraudulently attempting to rob hotel guests with service animals of $300 per incident where hotel staff alone were claiming 'animal not completely in control by owner'. Sutton had instructed her staff, and they readily complied, to badger, harass, slam doors and hammer on the hotel room door repeatedly at all hours in an effort to make my service animal respond. Their claim to charge $300 per bark was 'a new policy' which I demanded a refund the night before so I could go to another hotel - Sutton advised that "she would waive the pet policy for me" yet the following morning, harassment escalated to the point where I was clearly in danger. I checked out early and the staff and manager proceeded to hold me and my property against my will as I repeatedly attempted to depart the hotel - I had checked out at 10 am even though checkout was noon. The manager went so far as attempting to throw punches at the side of my head as I retreated to my room to continue packing to leave. I was wearing my Sig P365 openly, in accordance with the legal constitutional carry laws, but Sutton continued to try to attack me so I called for 911 PEACE OFFICER ASSISTANCE to get out of there without being further harassed, assaulted and robbed but instead, Sutton had contacted (at the exact same time I was calling 911) her friend, Jon Golden (chief of police, who showed up in his personal vehicle). Seven police vehicles came screaming into the parking lot moments after my phone call. I assumed they were there to help me but instead they all treated me like I was some middle eastern C4 strapped terrorist and instantly held me at gunpoint, menaced and threatened death to me, even though I had returned my PPD to it's locked case inside the trunk of my vehicle under at least four suitcases that I had been able to pack between the call and the arrival of "assisting peace officers" I was assaulted and restrained by these men under the direction of Jon Golden, they laughed as they vandalized my vehicle, severely gouging the custom paint and chrome, throwing all my belongings out into puddles on the ground, menaced and harassed my service animal who was alerting as he was strapped into his safety seat inside my vehicle, these men robbed me of my property, threatened to impound and destroy my vehicle and service animal as they violated my EVERY constitutional right. I Was Not Mirandized; there was no probable cause for anything they did, even after watching the video surveillance footage (since 'lost') which would substantiate my statements here. I was held captive, painfully handcuffed into position in the Macedonia SUV for nearly an hour as Golden scanned through surveillance footage and wrote up the complaint against me which Sadie Sutton's name was later typewritten onto. I attempted to communicate to every one of these men that I have health conditions that my service animal is alerting on and based on his training, I needed emergency medical treatment because of their abuse and assault of me but none responded; my heart arrhythmia condition and asthma were both activated and I spent the following week unable to function, even to get myself medical attention. Myra Severyn visited me on my second day of detainment on this matter to advise me that all charges would be dropped except a third degree misdemeanor disorderly conduct, with the prior bail and the time served being the full sentence. I then spent ANOTHER night in jail, and in the video arraignment on October 14 in front of Magistrate John Clark, it was repeated that the charges would be dropped and 12 months from that day the record would be completely expunged. I was then asked how did I plead, to which I responded "there is a woman with her hand on her gun less than two feet behind me and I'm locked behind three sets of doors. APPARENTLY I can't do ANYTHING besides plead NO CONTEST." Then John Clark practiced law from the bench, changed my plea to guilty and I was released SIX HOURS LATER. TO DATE all initial charges remain on my record (I have been terminated from employment, kicked off of Uber/Lyft/Instacart and cannot make a reservation through Air BNB, I cannot renew my Notary Public License nor can I be state certified in my profession regardless of the fact that I'm weeks away from a PhD in Psychology, I cannot even set up an appointment to tour a rental home through Zillow because of this 'violent gun crime' on my record.) In January 2024, after many months of attempts to contact Ms. Severyn and her cohorts about her promise to expunge this nightmare from my record so that I might continue with life, I hired an attorney for $700 to follow the protocol that Severyn assured me would not be necessary in our discussion in Macedonia Jail Common Room on October 13, 2022. The paperwork was filed in Stow Municipal Court in February 2024 and Kim Hoover finally passed down his determination on April 18, 2024 that (without my knowledge) he determined that I was on probation from October 14, 2022 until October 14, 2023 and so I would have to wait until October 14, 2024 to even ask for the record to be expunged. All on a nightmare series of events designed to silence my speaking out that I stumbled into the middle of a fraud situation at The Radisson Country Inn and Suites on September 8, 2022, which almost instantly escalated into a RICO condition evidenced by the Chief of Police in Macedonia (Jon Golden), Macedonia officer Bryan Vince, Severyn, and all Stow court officials who continued their malicious abuses of power against me. KIM HOOVER AND JOHN CLARK CONSPIRED WITH MYRA SEVERYN AND THE OFFICERS OF BOTH STOW POLICE AND MACEDONIA POLICE TO ASSAULT, KIDNAP AND HOLD ME CAPTIVE WITHOUT BAIL OR CAUSE TO FORCE A PLEA OUT OF ME TO UPHOLD THE FALSE CHARGES AGAINST ME made on September 8, 2022 in Macedonia, Ohio stemming from the ADA violations and fraud at Country Inn and Suites. The harm continues a year and a half later. EACH OF THESE INDIVIDUALS AND ALL OFFICERS INVOLVED HAVE VIOLATED ANY OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION THEY MAY HAVE TAKEN BY ENGAGING IN THESE MALICIOUS AND INTENTIONAL HARMS AGAINST i the living woman, cristina marni delia. Each is guilty of impersonating a public official based on the violation of Constitutional Oath. All evidence has mysteriously disappeared from the internet unless a criminal background check is conducted and then only the original false claims remain. I have sent affirmation of fact (witness statements - which Macedonia and Stow has refused to allow but have been otherwise docketed in Summit County) along with individual letters requesting remedy at each step to every party involved re-stating my NONCONSENT to all these egregious crimes against me and those for whom I am responsible. As of today, the only responses I have received are to be subjected to increased police and state patrol presence and harassment any time I leave my home. I hereby agree to make additional statements and respond to questions by proper authorities in pursuit of justice in this situation. I DO SWEAR AND AFFIRM THE PRECEDING STATEMENT TO BE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY RECOLLECTION AND UNDERSTANDING AND WILL TESTIFY THE SAME IN AN OPEN COURT IN FRONT OF A LAWFUL MAGISTRATE. by: /s/ cristina marni delia april 19, 2024 3:43 pm

Definition of Offense(s)

Coercive plea bargaining refers to the practice of using excessive pressure, threats, or other tactics to force a defendant to accept a plea bargain, even if it is against their best interest.

Cooperative misconduct refers to a situation where the prosecutor collaborates or conspires with another party, such as the police, to commit misconduct. This type of behavior can include suppressing evidence, withholding information, or engaging in unethical tactics to secure a conviction.

Destruction of evidence refers to a situation in which a prosecutor intentionally or recklessly destroys or conceals evidence that is material to the outcome of a criminal case.

Obstruction of justice by a prosecutor refers to actions taken by a prosecutor to interfere with the administration of justice, such as hiding or withholding evidence, lying or making false statements in court, or engaging in other behavior that undermines the fairness and integrity of the legal

"Overcharging" refers to a prosecutor bringing excessive or unwarranted charges against a defendant in a criminal case. This can occur when a prosecutor deliberately or recklessly charges someone with more crimes or more serious crimes than the evidence supports.

Suborning perjury is a type of prosecutor misconduct where the prosecutor encourages or induces a witness or a defendant to provide false testimony under oath in a court of law.

Whistleblower retaliation is a type of prosecutor misconduct that involves taking adverse action against a person who has reported or is suspected of reporting illegal or unethical behavior by a prosecutor or other public official.