Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1719266691 - 503598135

Amy Sieminski

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the New Jersey State Bar Association


DAG. Amy Sieminski failed to disclose Det. John Barnett's written notes until 1/4/2024, more than one year after I civilly sued her on 12/5/2022 for suborning perjury. This caused my criminal attorney unable to impeach John Barnett and Sgt. Jospeh Villalta-Moran about their contradictory testimony under oath during the 12/15/2023 testimonial hearing. Thankfully, Jospeh Villalta-Moran admitted the existence of the concealed notes during cross-examination, and Amy Sieminski ultimately produced the notes. With that notes, Honorable Mitzy Galis-Menendez found that Amy Sieminski violated Brady-Giglio rules, and finally granted my criminal attorney's motion to suppress evidence. Although Hon. Mitzy Galis-Menendez could not say that their conduct was willful or outrageous, but she agreed that their conduct was at very least due to palpable negligence. Given the fact I have civilly sued all three (Sieminski, Barnett, and Villalta-Moran), I can conclude their actions were intentionally against me as retaliations.

Definition of Offense(s)

Prosecutorial misconduct refers to actions by a prosecutor that are unethical, illegal, or violate the rights of a defendant.

Cooperative misconduct refers to a situation where the prosecutor collaborates or conspires with another party, such as the police, to commit misconduct. This type of behavior can include suppressing evidence, withholding information, or engaging in unethical tactics to secure a conviction.

Evidence that is favorable to the defendant (exculpatory) and could impact the outcome of the defendant’s case (material) is often called “Brady material” because of the seminal 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland.

Obstruction of justice by a prosecutor refers to actions taken by a prosecutor to interfere with the administration of justice, such as hiding or withholding evidence, lying or making false statements in court, or engaging in other behavior that undermines the fairness and integrity of the legal

Suborning perjury is a type of prosecutor misconduct where the prosecutor encourages or induces a witness or a defendant to provide false testimony under oath in a court of law.

Whistleblower retaliation is a type of prosecutor misconduct that involves taking adverse action against a person who has reported or is suspected of reporting illegal or unethical behavior by a prosecutor or other public official.