Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1714768326 - 1748604136

Travis Dean Partney
301 East High Street
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101

Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the The Missouri Bar


On June 14, 2021 I was scheduled for a preliminary hearing relative to the charges brought against me while in the performance of my job as a law enforcement officer. The assigned prosecutor at the time, Travis, Dean Partney, notified my defense attorney, Timothy J Hunsaker of Rosenblume Schwartz and Frey law office that the Jefferson County prosecuting attorneys office would file an additional charge against me, felony tampering with evidence, if I proceed with my preliminary hearing. This Unlawful coercive and threatening tactic is a clear violation of Missouri State Law as follows; I Section 18(a). Rights of accused in criminal prosecutions. — That in criminal prosecutions the accused shall have the right to appear and defend, in person and by counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation; to meet the witnesses against him face to face; to have process to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf; and a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the county. The prosecution had no problem cause or reasonable suspicion to believe that I committed this act. Another officer in the same incident was charged with misdemeanor tampering with evidence, but those charges were later dropped yet I was going to be charged with felony tampering with evidence. The prosecution further threatened to file a separate case against me for this additional charge if I proceed with my right to a preliminary hearing. Furthermore, Travis, Dean Partney fought my defenses, petition to the court to amend my bond release by lifting a travel ban on me, which did not allow me to leave the state of Missouri. This travel band is completely unnecessary and unwarranted relating to the charges. I am currently facing, an incident where I conducted myself in the performance of my duty. The only reason these charges were brought against me or a form of retaliation by the De Soto, police department, police chief Jeff Mccreary, who sought to damage my reputation because I was a whistleblower calling out corruption, criminal, acts, and sexual harassment within the Missouri police department . I was a 30 year veteran of law-enforcement prior to this incident. I served with honor and was highly trained and experienced. There was no reason for these charges to be employed other than clear retaliation in which an EEOC complaint was filed against the Missouri Police Department Long before my termination, and even longer before an investigation into my reported, use of force was initiated, and even longer so before charges were issued against me. Travis Dean Partney is acting in concert with the DeSoto Missouri Police Department and the Jefferson County sheriffs department by enlisting tactics meant to intimidate and threaten defendants into a plea bargain. This has occurred under case number 20JE-CR04734 - ST V JAMES DALY.

Definition of Offense(s)

Prosecutorial misconduct refers to actions by a prosecutor that are unethical, illegal, or violate the rights of a defendant.

Coercive plea bargaining refers to the practice of using excessive pressure, threats, or other tactics to force a defendant to accept a plea bargain, even if it is against their best interest.

"Overcharging" refers to a prosecutor bringing excessive or unwarranted charges against a defendant in a criminal case. This can occur when a prosecutor deliberately or recklessly charges someone with more crimes or more serious crimes than the evidence supports.

Whistleblower retaliation is a type of prosecutor misconduct that involves taking adverse action against a person who has reported or is suspected of reporting illegal or unethical behavior by a prosecutor or other public official.