Citizen Report No. 1647539294 - 891025396

Peter Tomitsch
705 South Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

Date of Offense

January 30, 2019


Supporting Document(s)


Another occasion where Officer Peter Tomitsch (along with Officer Giannini) Unlawfully detained, searched and  falsely arrested a man on charges of  disorderly conduct for video recording, refusing to provide ID and using profane language against the police.  El Paso County prosecutors conveniently waited until shortly before trial to dismiss the bogus disorderly conduct charge. 


The US Citizen Reporters are a group of public and private defense advocates that scour the internet for documented incidents of police misconduct that have eluded accountability.

Definition of Offense(s)

Police brutality is the use of excessive and unnecessary force on the part of a police officer when he is interacting with a civilian, resulting in a violation of the civilian’s civil rights.

The term police misconduct refers to illegal or inappropriate action engaged in by law enforcement officers.

False statements by a police officer fall under the category of police misconduct and refer to instances where a police officer deliberately makes false or misleading statements under oath, in official reports, or in any other official capacity.