Prosecutor Misconduct No. 1700606787 - 127491471

Meaghan Maloney

Date of Offense

August 16, 2022


Reporting Authority

This complaint has been forwarded to the Maine State Bar Association


My brother, Dan Ross, was a Kennebec County police officer for nearly ten years. During his time as an officer, he had many interactions with the District Attorney, Meaghan Maloney. One notable interaction was a heated phone call about a case which left the District Attorney furious. My brother was arrested last August and Maloney is handling the case. The District Attorney told the media she has no prior knowledge of my brother. The District Attorney has a personal vendetta against my brother and since the beginning of his incarceration, she has treated him unfairly and with an unusual amount of contempt. She told jail officials that my brother is "like Hannibal Lecter", set his bail unusually high, and is exaggerating claims with no supporting evidence and running her case based on hypothetical situations. Critical evidence that will help my brother greatly is being held from my brother's representation for reasons unknown. There is very little evidence against my brother, no evidence of the majority of his charges, and he isn't receiving his basic right to a fair trial. He's been in jail for nearly a year with no progress or any sign of it.

Definition of Offense(s)

Prosecutor misconduct involving bias refers to when a prosecutor allows personal opinions, prejudices, or other factors to influence their decision making or behavior in a criminal case.