Public Complaint No. 1662827357 - 1005729803


A month after my abusive ex moved and filed false allegations with TCSO, I still had not been allowed to file any police reports against her continually escalating offenses against me. This particular evening I had just finished burying my kitten that had died tragically the night before. My ex texted me and asked why I had put something in her car that day. Figuring that this was her prelude to adding stalking to her false allegations, I again called the TCSO and dispatch once again diverted me out of the official system and made me wait for a callback from a deputy. The deputy informed me that I now no longer had the right to a response from emergency services. He told me to email him any texts from my ex and when I did, he made the same types of comments that multiple other deputies made as they coordinated their efforts to suppress evidence I would provide against my ex. Then he said that the texts weren’t from the days I claimed they were despite the time stamps visible. He told me I had to go meet him at a gas station to show him the texts directly. Then he began pressuring me to come armed. 4-5 times he repeated that I could bring my gun, even though I don’t normally carry and I told him I didn’t need or want my gun with me. At that point, I knew that if I showed up to that meeting, then I would most likely wind up dead with some weapon stuck in my hand. I sat at my mailbox trying to think of who might be able to be a witness for me, when I saw a truck I’d not seen before and my ex’s best friend’s vehicle headed to my house. I immediately turned around and headed back to my house. They’d seen me already, and tried to turn the other way. Instead they turned into a gated driveway so that I was able to get their license plate and confirm that it was them. The deputy called back while I was checking the plate on my computer back home, and initially ignored my telling him that I’d just seen my abuser and tried again to get me to meet him. He then told me that he still wouldn’t respond to my call even with her there. He dropped the call and I called him back, much to his surprise on his personal cell phone. The number blocking system does not work when they call my phone. He said he would get a TCSO phone and call Me back. At that point, I just called 911 and told dispatch about the incident and requested that I be able to speak to another deputy. They transferred me right back to this same deputy. He again told me that they would no longer respond to 911 calls from me. He said he would drive the neighborhood and see if it was safe but wasn’t coming to my home to take a report. Finally, after arguing with me extensively instead of doing his job, he was ready to get off the phone. At that point, I asked him if he would like a description of the vehicle that he was supposed to be looking for. He said, “oh yeah” and let me give it to him. I’d not mentioned the truck to him, and he then began to ask pointedly if he needed to look out for any other vehicles. I said no. Despite only being 2 miles from my house for our supposed meeting, it took him 45-50 minutes to drive through my part of the neighborhood. It’s rural and very few streets. He could have paused for 5 minutes on every street in the little neighborhood and still been there faster. I’m assuming that he stopped and picked my ex up so that she could enjoy the fun when he drove past my house at about 3 miles an hour with lights and sirens on, sounding the horn over and over until one of my neighbors came outside and screamed at him. He never file a report about my ex being there, never contacted me back about a report. Never had his supervisor contact me back. This deputy is a menace to society and should be investigated and charged.


21518 Cherry Hollow Drive, Leander TX

30.519500309361, -97.959917