Public Complaint No. 1670018516 - 848310060

Dan Bracy

Date of Offense

November 21, 2022



I walked out to our local dollar general. I crossed right infront of the officer Im writing this complaint about . So he knew where I was... I and a friend who works at the store were outside having a smoke when we heard a gun go off. I jokingly said to Randi, Bracy better not have shot my dog. And told her about the last encounter I had with Officer Dan Bracy. That I had to climb over the fence of my kennel and put 5 different pieces of wood and metal infront of the dog door that goes into our garage 2 bricks and 2 empty propane tanks. so I could go into my garage and get my phone. He wouldnt let me go in by myself and there was no way he was going in if my dogs were in there because he was scared to death of them. I then walked back home which is about 5 blocks or so from the dollar store. I open my garage door and only one of my dogs are in there. My Cane Corso Kaine is not. I go outside and called for him. I already knew that Bracy had shot him I seen a few drops of blood on the sidewalk next to my house. I walk out front and the cop from sutherland pulls up and I ask him where my dog was and if he shot him.. He asked me who I was and I told him and asked him again where Kaine was and if he shot him.. He asked me where I was when this all unfolded.. I said at the dollar store and Bracy knew that I walked infront of him to get on the bike trail to go there.. I said to him . where is my dog? He responded that he was looking for him.. I said you shot him and let him run away I heard the gun shot 45 minutes ago and you still havent found him? I was beside myself he got in his car and left looking for my injured dog with spotlight. I followed the blood drops that brought me across the street to my neighbors and found Kaine laying on her front door step in a pool of his blood. He was dead. I waved the cop down said hes over there and I walked to my garage. bawling my eyes out .. Kaine was my baby boy. The cop didnt even tell my neighbor Kiane was there. I had to call my son to come move him off her stoop and bring him home. No one contacted me telling me why they shot him where they shot him .. My boyfriend had a warrant for a mittimus for time he had to serve. Thats why the cops were here. When I talked to him he told me they shot Kaine with a sawed off shotgun, 12guage 9 -00 buckshot. I talked to my neighbors to see if they seen anything and Tabitha Harm, my neighbor to the south of me was out having a cigarette and said Kaine was out running in the yard 20 minutes before the cop even showed up at my place. She said the cop sat in his car for 5-10 minutes watching Kaine. Kaine wasnt bothering anyone. She didnt have shoes on so she went in the house to get shoes and she heard the gun go off and Kaine yipped. I tried contacting O'Brien County to see why they shot my dog. And finally on November 28th the Sheriff called me back and was very rude. Said we let the dog out and it attacked Bracy in the ankle, Bracy left called him and he told Bracy to go back to my place and if the dog is still out he could shoot him.. I was in the process of asked Bruce Devereaux the Sheriff who called me back why they didnt go look for Kaine as he was injuried and could have really hurt someone and he hung up on me. From what the cops say and what my neighbors say the stories arent even close. The cops didnt know my neighbor was outside and seen the whole thing. After Bracy shot Kaine, Josh came out of the garage and Bracy pointed the sawed off at him demanded him to get on the ground on his belly and put his hands behind his back.. He kept the shotgun on Josh and had sutherlands cop cuff him...(josh told me this when i went visit him in jail) A few days after the incident my neighbor across the street was at the dollar store and asked me how I was.. And I said horrible they shot Kaine.. And I asked her if Kaine was aggressive towards her and her pup while they were out going potty. And she said no way.. Kaine had activated her cameras when he was out front she said ..and there were no cops here at that time (bracy stated we had let the dog out when he got here) and Kaine was doing his zoomies in our yard. She said the cops reativated her cameras like 20 minutes later when they showed up. She said Kaine walked around the cop car and when about his business. I asked her to look at the videos and let me know the times and etc and if the cops were here twice or whatever. She said she would and let me know. I havent talked to her again as she works alot. But will get the video soon. Dan Bracy has harrassed us for years. Since 2019. Just this year he has arrested Josh and I around 6-9 times. On November 5th 2022 he waited for me to walk out to the dollar store to arrest me there right in the store. To humiliate me. I dont drive so he had to watch me walk there. Then on November 9th 2022 my dogs were going crazy barking and running in and out of the kennel attached to the garage for like 15 minutes. So I went outside of the garage to look around and I said Hello like 4 times before Dan Bracy came out from behind our truck behind the garage and said Jeni Dan Bracy with Obrien County Sheriffs department.. I asked him where is squad car was and what the hell he was doing creeping around my property. He had parked his cruiser like a block away and snuck onto my property and was snooping around without a warrant. Its been nonstop with this guy. He cant be on my property like that, 4th amendment. And I had even asked a lawyer about it. because He had Kaine (the dog he shot a week later) going nuts. If Kaine would have some how gotten out of his kennel and bit bracy was I liable because he was creeping around? So Dan Bracy knew we had dogs. Dan also knew I was at the dollar store. Why didnt he call me or come get me to get Kaine if he was scared of him . Kaine has never bit anyone attacked anyone but he was a Cane Corso and a pretty big dog. who barked alot when ppl were here. but thats what dogs do they bark. His bark was deep and I could see were it was intimidating but he never hurt anyone. And he wouldnt have went after Dans ankle if he was going to attack him I promise.. And there is no way Dan would have been able to turn away from him to go back to his cruiser to call Bruce Devereaux. If Kaine would have attacked and Dan got away Kaine would have been all over him. Another time when officer Bracy was here he straight up told me Jeni I will shoot your dog. and neither one of us want that. Kaine was on a chain barking at him.


218 N Mickley St, Paullina, IA 51046, USA

42.9823131, -95.6859622